Chicago Crystal
Chicago Crystal
George Dietrich: Athena Reborn
Chicago Crystal is a meetup in the Chicago area that is building community and getting stuff made with our favorite language.
This is an interview with George Dietrich who has build Athena a web framework in Crystal. We talk about his journey in programming and a building a Crystal web framework based off PHP Symfony. Please enjoy my conversation with George.
Site: https://chicagocrystal.org/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/chicago_crystal
Github: https://github.com/Blacksmoke16
Discord: Blacksmoke16#0016
Athena: https://github.com/athena-framework
Athena Docs: https://athena-framework.github.io/athena/Athena/Routing.html
Athena Gitter: https://gitter.im/athena-frameworkcr/community
Parameters: https://athena-framework.github.io/athena/Athena/Routing/ParamConverterInterface.html#additional-configuration